CLB Network
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Certified Luxury Builders Network Membership and Licensing Agreement

This AGREEMENT with the Effective Date: January 20th, 2025
is between “Member” with the Legal Business Name:
Main business address:
City, State, Zip:
and CLB Network, LLC, (CLB) a Limited Liability Company of the State of Florida with its address of 1510 Mandarin Road, Naples, Florida, 34102.

Both parties agree to the following terms and guidelines:

Member agrees to share photos of projects built by Member and other business information while an active network member with CLB and all other active Network members. The use of images, information, and all services provided by CLB and other CLB Network members is available to all active members following CLB Network, LLC. Membership Guidelines.

All active Members shall have use of CLB services listed and CLB brand images.

Member’s licensing agreement is terminated at such time that active membership ceases. Guidelines are listed below with specific damages for failure to comply with all terms.

Member ceases to be active if they have failed to pay their monthly membership fee, or if they have been notified by CLB of cancellation of their membership. Upon cancellation, Member agrees to remove, or delete, or allow CLB to cancel all services provided, remove, or delete from Member website and profiles all digital information, graphics, and photos, as well as all social network profiles, including, but not limited to and CLB shall have the right to cancel and remove all subscription services from the possession and use by Member.

Specific Damages: If Member has cancelled and fails to comply to the above terms, Member shall owe CLB the regular monthly fees for membership and subscription for each month, or part of a month, that they fail to comply to the terms of this agreement.

CLB and its members, agree to stop all use of images and information provided by the former Member. Any images or references used in materials printed prior to a Member cancellation may be continued to be used but may not be used for reprint.

Member is the owner of any images or information they provide to CLB to share with CLB Network, LLC. CLB is not responsible for any images, processes, systems, or consultation that members purchase through contractors introduced by CLB Network, LLC. or its members.

Termination Policy:

Month-to-Month membership may be cancelled at any time prior to the date of renewal. All charges will appear on credit card statement as CLB Network LLC.

January 20th, 2025
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January 20th, 2025
{{ member_business ? member_business : "Business Name Missing" }}
January 20th, 2025
CLB Network, LLC