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Improve Decision Making. Reveal Current Shortcomings. Identify Opportunities to Create Greater Value.

Tools, Resources, & Experts to Achieve GREATNESS

Do you know your numbers and what drives your business success?

With a solid understanding of financial forecasting, construction company owners will know what’s going on and understand what actions to take. Knowing what the numbers represent and what they are telling you allows you to succeed on purpose.

3-minute Builder Business Benchmark

We often get asked, “How can I make my construction business successful?” Simple! We have identified ten performance statements that will have a major impact on your business and your way of thinking. These ten statements are 100% true for the CLB business system, which is a benchmark of what "Great" looks like. We have compiled these ten statements into a 3-minute Business Audit that allows you to compare your business and receive an instant score of 0-100 to be able to identify areas of your business that can be improved by sharing our Real Life Examples with Simple Processes to achieve Timely Results.

CLB Trusted Advisors work with our clients to examine and interpret their company’s finances, often identifying opportunities for cost reductions and correcting accounting errors that lead to tax savings. Our intimate knowledge of construction company accounting and financing options helps our clients maximize their financial positions and provide stability so they can take advantage of growth opportunities, reinvest in the business to improve operations, or make the next key hiring decision.

Due diligence process examines the business internally from all angles. We measure its internal performance against industry standards and best practices, uncover inefficiencies, evaluate employees and technologies, and report back to buyers with unbiased evaluations, expectations, and recommendations.

Due Diligence is an evaluation process used by an interested buyer to better understand the business being sold, and the risks in potentially becoming an owner of that business. The process is not only about checking financials and projections for the business, but also gaining a strong understanding of successful construction business models: how the company conducts business, finds, wins, and performs work for their customers, the talent of employees, and how the business competes against other businesses in that industry.

Budget and Actual Job and Financial Forecasting

CLB can assist in budget and financial forecasting including an:

  • Actual / Forecasted balance sheet
  • Actual / Forecasted income statement
  • Actual / Forecasted cash flow statement
  • Actual / Financial projection assumptions

When was the last time you ran a talent assessment?

Assessing employees to identify future candidates for leadership positions is not an easy task. While their performance in their current position is a relevant consideration, they may not be ready to take on more responsibility successfully. An assessment will identify skill and talent areas that need development to better prepare candidates for future leadership positions.

5 Steps To Recruiting Top Talent & Retaining An All-Star Team
by CLB Network

Benchmark your employees to elevate their talent and your team.

Professionals with these skills outperform. beating the budget, timeline, delivering quality and a 5-star experience.


We bring proven, measurable strategies for identifying high-potential candidates. We base our assessment process on years of personal experience in management and executive roles at successful construction companies. Our consultants have direct experience managing construction projects, teams, divisions and companies, enabling us to evaluate both our client’s organization and employees for current and future leadership roles.


We develop Transition and Training Plans for key employees, preparing them to take on increasing levels of responsibility as the company continues to grow, or prepare them to assume leadership if the owner retires or sells the business.

Determining the value of a construction company in a merger and acquisition (M&A) transaction is unlike most other businesses.

The numerous variables surrounding construction operations make predicting valuation challenges, and sometimes the highest value to the seller requires unique terms and conditions in a sale.

The successful sale of a construction company is similar in many ways to other companies – good financial records, stable and deep management team, defensible markets, and specialty services all add value. However, the unique characteristics of construction companies – contracts, bidding, licensing – when all combined can make the sale effort uniquely demanding.

Builders' Branding Basics

What steps do we need to take to establish our company as a leading brand in our market?

BJ Barone, founder of the CLB Network, shares the basic steps that luxury builders around the country can take to become the leading brand in their market.

Check Your Company’s Vitals to Ensure Your Legacy

You know the importance of preventative healthcare for yourself and your family, but what about for your business? Just as a physician checks your vitals during a checkup, our Construction Operations Diagnostic Valuation checks your company’s vitals.

CLB Advisor’s proprietary process tracks the performance of your business over time. We compare it to a matrix of benchmark measures unique to your business and industry.

The result is a customized report to help you understand:

  • The value of your business
  • How key performance areas of your business affect your value
  • How you compare to your industry peers

A diagnostic valuation of your company will provide the information needed for you to confidently move forward with critical business decisions. You will learn all the factors that influence your company’s future to use in your business’ strategic planning.

Clients choose to get a Diagnostic Valuation for many of reasons.

  1. You may be evaluating an offer to sell your business and want to understand how the market values your business.
  2. How do you compare to your industry peers to make informed growth decisions.
  3. I need information for financial planning for retirement and insurance purposes.
  4. I want to create some ownership incentives for your management team.

The buyer of your business should know exactly what they are getting before they buy a construction company: what’s working, what will need to be fixed, improved, or changed, and how easy or difficult it will be when they actually assume control of the company.

Are you nearing retirement or thinking about selling your business? A business that doesn’t run without the owner isn’t worth much ‘on the street’. The best companies find ways to standardize, systematize and automate as many processes as possible.

Whether you’re considering closing your doors forever, selling your business, or handing it to your heirs, it’s in everyone’s best interest to have a solid exit strategy. A business exit strategy is a strategic plan to sell your ownership of a company to investors or another company. The exit strategy gives the owner a path for reducing or liquidating their stake in their company and potentially making a substantial profit.

CLB Advisors works with business owners to evaluate their current operations and financial position and build strategic exit plans to help maximize their reward for years of hard work and effort.

Operations Assessment

Included with the Diagnostic Valuation is an Operations Assessment of your business.

After an in-depth interview process, we perform an analysis of all your company’s operational areas.

You will be provided an assessment to help you leverage best practices through execution to maximize results. You’ll receive a list of actionable areas to reduce risk, improve profits and build value in your business.

Your Operational Assessment provides you with a clear, research-driven road map to help you improve the financial and operating performance of your business, customized to fit your business needs and objectives. The assessment quickly reveals the potential of your business to grow, scale and compete.

As a result of the analysis, you’ll receive a list of actionable goals to implement best practices that will help you:

  • Strengthen operations
  • Reduce risk
  • Improve profits
  • Build value in your business

Operations Assessment provides you with specific recommendations, spread across your entire operation, to help execute your construction business plan. You’ll get an executable road map that dovetails with your strategic plan, helping prioritize projects based on ease of implementation and the value they create.

This is the playbook you need to better execute your existing strategic goals.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

KPIs provide insight into the financial and operational health of your business. Our analysis includes data specific to your company as well as industry data for benchmarking and comparison.

Included in the Diagnostic Valuation are six relevant KPIs for your business and analysis on the key business drivers of your value.

1. Growth Trends

2. Liquidity

3. Efficiency

4. Leverage

5. Profitability

6. Working Capital Analysis

An Explanation of How Your Value Range was Determined

You will receive an in-depth explanation of the valuation methods applied to determine your valuation ranges and the factors considered in the analysis. The data used to formulate the ranges will be provided so that you can see exactly how the valuation ranges were determined.


Read more about how to create the best value in you construction company, and start building your legacy today.

Driving Value To Your Business & Your Legacy
What you need to know to get what you need
By CLB Network