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How To Protect Your Online Accounts From Hijacking (Or Unauthorized Access)

The Ultimate Guide To Stronger & Safer Online Account Management

Imagine the sinking feeling in your stomach when you realize a disgruntled ex-employee, business competitor, or website developer with whom you are in a contract dispute has taken down, hijacked or redirected your online accounts. Unfortunately, all of these situations are possible if you do not take necessary precautions to protect your website, domain, company data and communications, social media accounts, and more. Read on to learn our top tips for protecting your digital property.

General Principles

  1. Always use official business email addresses (ie "
  2. Always give access on an as-needed basis
  3. If possible, never give employees or contractor full Admin access
  4. If not possible, ensure business owner has access to an Admin account from which they can't be removed
  5. Use a password manager to create unique, randomly generated passwords for each account (do not reuse passwords)

Protecting Your Website and Domain

In today’s Internet age, your company’s domain name may be its most valuable asset. Implementing these simple precautions and exercising caution in matters relating to your domain name will help to avoid unpleasant surprises and protect this asset.

  • Pay attention to the administrative details of your domain
  • Ensure communications with your domain name registrar
  • Lock the transfer of your domain
  • Monitor expiration dates
  • Implement extensible provisioning protocol
  • Beware of spammers and others with evil intentions

Protecting Communications and Company Data

Depending on your IT environment, there are a number of steps you or your IT team will need to take to secure your network when an employee leaves such as disabling the user’s account, forwarding the user’s email account to someone else in the company and changing the password, and much more. Download our free online account management checklist to learn all of the necessary steps your IT team should take to protect your company communications and data.

Protecting Your Pages - Managing Social Media Account Access

Your social media account is often the face of your brand.It’s where you interact with your customers on a personal level and where they know they can find good information about new products, services, events, and news.

To keep it safe from hackers and disgruntled employees, you’ll need to fine-tune your access procedures. We recommend a two-pronged approach.

  1. Own Your Accounts and Set Up Admins the Right Way
  2. Make Sure Exiting Employees’ Access to Social Media is Revoked

To learn more about secure and safe online account management, download our free checklist!


Free Checklist: Online Account Management

Learn how to protect your online accounts from hijacking or unauthorized access with these easy-to-follow tips.

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