Listen & Learn: Building Greatness with CLB Network

Legacy Audit

Please rate each statement based on how true it is for your experience. If the statement is 100% true, mark 5 stars. If the statement is 100% false, mark 1 star. All other questions please fill in the blank with your response.

* Required fields

Your Name*

What is your best phone number?*

What is your best email?*

What is your total number of employees?*
What will your total sales be in new contracts this year?*

Everyone on our management team understands the difference between mark-up and margin.

Everyone on our management team knows the total number of Construction Agreements signed this year and the total dollar volume it represents and a report can be produced in less than 10 minutes.

We can produce an accurate and up-to-date report in less than 10 minutes of the total number of projects that we are bidding on, or have entered into a Design Agreement, Plans Agreement, or sent a Construction Agreement that is pending approval, and their total potential dollar volume.

Everyone on our management team knows what our total monthly and annual overhead costs are and a report can be produced in less than 10 minutes that will list each overhead category and the monthly and annual total.

We can produce a report in less than 5 minutes of the total number of projects that were either completed or will be completed this year that lists: i. Name of Owner ii. Amount of Contract iii. Start Date iv. Estimated or Actual Completion Date

We have an up-to-date valuation of the business and every owner/partner understands the current value of their shares in the company.

We have an approved buyout or succession plan in place and each owner/partner knows and understands all of the terms.

Every owner/partner receives an annual salary that covers the true market value of what it would cost to replace them with a non-owner employee(s) who would perform all of the tasks that they do.

Every owner/partner knows what the projected gross profit margin % is for each project.

Every owner/partner knows what the total revenues, number of projects, and net profit % was for the prior year and what the projected total revenues, number of projects, and net profit % is for current year.

Every owner/partner knows what the projected total revenues, number of projects, and net profit % is projected for the next year.