Listen & Learn: Building Greatness with CLB Network

Marketing and Sales Benchmark

Please rate each statement based on how true it is for your experience. If the statement is 100% true, mark 5 stars. If the statement is 100% false, mark 1 star. All other questions please fill in the blank with your response.

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Your Name*

What is your best phone number?*

What is your best email?*

Our team has a annual marketing budget and plan supported by people, systems, and processes.

We are a leading online and offline brand in our market. Regardless of where you interactive with our brand, our brand is consistent and leads to our sales funnel website and a 5-star experience.

We have a sales funnel website that is linked to a CRM (client relationship management) platform that identifies qualified prospects and starts an automated campaign with them. The CRM tracks, records, and creates reports of all critical business activities.

We have a system in place that makes contact at least once per month with all of our past and current clients, realtors, architects, interior designers, as well as our subcontractors and suppliers, to generate a continuous pipeline of qualified referrals.

My team has a Sales plan and it is followed consistently.

Our brand has been defined in writing. We have identified our target market in writing. We have a process with a clear criteria in writing to identify our “Best Fit” client. Our online and offline marketing reflects our brand message to attract qualified referrals.

We use a pre-construction or design agreement that qualified prospects will sign and give us a check at the first or second time we meet. Some will hire us before we meet simply by visiting our website and speaking with us on the phone.

Our sales process has a qualifying questionnaire that enables my team to work with only best-fit prospects and strategic partners.

Our sales process clearly communicates the benefits we provide in the design, planning and construction phases of the project. (scope, process, schedule, investment, and benefits are communicated to all prospects).

Our collaborative sales process delivers consistent winning results of best-fit clients, it creates confidence in the builder and team, assures buyers that you understand their needs, will mitigate risks, deliver quality, prevent decisions that extend schedule, and cause surprise budget overruns.

Pipeline report which illustrates engagement and activity, so no best-fit opportunity is lost.

Clear benefits of selecting builder, team, process, and ability to execute.

I have a closing plan and process to rapidly build trust and gain approval for the project scope, start date, schedule, budget.