Listen & Learn: Building Greatness with CLB Network

Project Manager Benchmark

This tool can be used by both an owner/manager benchmarking an employee and by an employee benchmarking themselves. Please rate each statement based on how true it is for your experience. If the statement is 100% true, mark 5 stars. If the statement is 100% false, mark 1 star. All other questions please fill in the blank with your response.

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Your Name*

What is your best phone number?*

What is your best email?*

I am passionate about planning, coordinating, directing resources and material throughout the project lifecycle.

I can detect issues before they become red tag issues (Problems).

I have a firm grasp of planning, coordinating, process improvement, and control supporting construction projects.

I have been trained in construction project management, communication, collaboration, document management, and single point of truth to align trust with all project stakeholders.

I have been trained in construction building science.

I am trained in building processes.

I have a curiosity for how thing work and I am a problem solver.

I am trained in construction project financial management.

I am trained in project bid and selection management.

I am trained in project estimating.

I am trained in vendor contract negotiations and selection management.

I am well versed and use a project initiation document (PID).

I am well versed and use a project management plan (PMP) to guide all projects.

I have experience and training in all facets of project management, including client and vendor relations, constructability review, value engineering, field and team management, pre-construction activities, process improvements, permitting, estimating, change order, contract negotiation, budget and change order management, and project strategy.

I use a project management solution to assign tasks, and activities to best-fit stakeholders including allocating resources, updating schedules, and refining the plan to beat the budget and time-line.

I monitor quality, and assess financial performance on a bi-weekly/monthly basis.

I monitor building progress and performance against the project management plan.

I survey the client to ensure a 5-star experience.

I am verse in knowledge and strategy to reduce construction delays and optimize the budget.

I use a construction project management closeout process, checklist, punchlist, cleanup, inspection, document handover, client training to efficiently closeout a project and communicate to all stakeholders.

I conduct a postmortem and a budget vs. actual analysis after every project.

I use a construction communication and documentation management system to ensure the flow of information is efficient, streamlines the project and prevents project closeout problems and delays.