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Is Anyone Listening? Marketing For Luxury Builders In The Time Of Pandemic.

How One California Builder is Seeing Success

Summary: How One California Builder is Seeing Success

While we can’t always predict major market shifts like the one we’re currently experiencing, we can turn threats into opportunities with the right strategies. Milan Djokich, CEO of MMD, a luxury builder and remodeler in California, shares how he’s building his project pipeline with best-fit clients by sticking to his principles and collaborating with CLBN to execute a fully integrated marketing and sales process.

“With the right perspective and practices, I expect to keep growing MMD and increasing my competitive advantage throughout this pandemic and beyond.” Milan Djokich

Have your marketing efforts during the pandemic brought any successes?

“Yes! We were already ramping up our strategic partner outreach through email campaigns and have recently added a Resources page to the website with helpful FAQ guides and a Pre-Idea Session questionnaire. Through an increased focus on these types of digital marketing efforts, we’re able to engage those best-fit clients. I think this type of outreach and engagement has been especially effective during a time when so many people are in front of the computer more. We even had a fantastic lead come in through the website last week - a 7,000 SF custom home build and are currently walking the prospect through our process. Having those materials available gives us an easy way to engage and help guide our prospects through the early stages of our discussions.”

PRO-TIP: Connecting with best-fit prospects and clients where and when they want to engage early in the process is difficult and expensive if you don't have a proven marketing plan and program. Take this 3-minute audit to assess how your marketing and sales strategy can be improved.

What have you done proactively to help create a stronger future for your company?

“I know MMD will come out the other side of this, my goal is to make sure we come out better! To achieve this, I’ve relied on CLBN as a trusted partner to not only help me protect my business’ position, but even thrive during these challenging times. It might not look the same once the ‘new normal’ is here, but I am confident that through strategic planning and continued marketing efforts, my company will weather this storm and come out much stronger, poised and ready for a quick recovery.”

How would you advise other luxury builders on how to navigate these unprecedented times?

“I know every other small business owner across the world is facing lots of challenges at this time too. Our goal as leaders is to guide our company through, think about our business in a new way, and take this time to prepare for the future. We can’t control the global crisis, but we can control our response. How you respond will determine whether you come through this better or worse than before. On a practical level, it means everything from making sure your finances are in order, to maximizing every opportunity to focus on building relationships with partners while building up marketing content to become an authority in your industry and market area.

"If you’re a luxury builder like me, I’ve found no better partner than CLB Network to help me take my business to the next level - no matter the global environment.”


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The Certified Luxury Builders Network leads luxury builders to greatness. Since 2016 CLB Network and builders across the nation with annual sales ranging from $5M - $50M have worked together to deliver a 5-Star experience and become market-leaders. Working with one great company at a time, CLB gives builders the tools, training, and support to achieve success in Quality, Profit, and Pipeline freeing leadership to work on—not in—their business.

We're here to help builders. Experience and expertise is just a click away. Contact us today to see how your business measures up to our builders' benchmark, learn what "GREAT" looks like, and see how CLB can take your business to the next level.

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